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Multimedia Opening Ceremony of the Mercedes Platz

flora&faunavisions was commissioned to design an impressive audiovisual show for the opening ceremony of Berlin’s Mercedes Benz Platz, a newly created entertainment district in the heart of Berlin. The 15-minute multimedia show led the visitors through a day in the life of the city of Berlin and its newly opened square.

Throughout the show, flora&faunavisions used a mix of all architecturally integrated media surfaces combined with custom light and video techniques to create a truly immersive experience: facade mapping, LED panels and towers, a large-scale water fountain, live show elements, multichannel sound design and an impressive fireworks show as the evening’s grand finale.


At the time of planning the show, none of the buildings, nor the square, was finished yet! There was always an element of uncertainty about whether the buildings and would be finished in time, so there was a lot of suspense! It was great to be able to attend the opening with the full flora&faunavisions team and family. The square is just around the corner from our Berlin office.


Sound design by Jan Weigel, light design by Chris Moylan, for flora&faunavisions
Photos by flora&faunavisions & Thomas Saul, feuerwerk-fanpage.de

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