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DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum: Immersive Space ICONS WORLD

Experience the future of iconic design and innovation at the DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum in Berlin. This exhibition bridges the gap between the past and the future, showcasing the evolution of cultural icons from the 1950s to the present and beyond. Visitors are invited to explore how these icons have shaped our world and glimpse what lies ahead.

At the heart of the exhibition lies the immersive room ICONS WORLD.

Building on the content of the exhibition, ICONS WORLD propels visitors into an interactive experience focused on Icons of the Future. Multimedia projections vividly bring visions of future mobility, architectural worlds, and advanced technologies to life. We’ve asked ourselves: what visions might become iconic in the future? Visitors will find out as they dive into a 12-minute interactive loop, divided into three captivating chapters, projected in stunning 270° glory.

Throughout the experience, the installation switches into ICONIC Mode, inviting guests to journey through the past decades and explore the cultural impact of icons from the 1950s to the present. After ICONIC Mode, the journey always transitions to a new chapter, starting with the future of cars. This chapter emphasizes the significance of safety, speed relaxation. Visitors experience the promise of autonomous vehicles that ensure complete safety in every situation, offering a new paradigm of travel. These vehicles provide fast and efficient transportation, allowing passengers to relax and unwind on their journeys. The displays highlight the evolution of automotive technology, showcasing innovations that prioritize safety and efficiency, redefining what it means to travel in the future. Iconic future travel is portrayed as comfortable and calm.

Next, the exhibition shifts to the future of architecture. As visitors explore, they are transported to the self-sufficient city of the future, where emission-neutral energy sources redefine urban living. In this futuristic city, design knows no limits, and the possibilities are endless.

Visitors can activate a force field through touch. A counter appears and the longer they touch, the stronger the field becomes. Dynamic movements accelerate the charging process, simulating the generation of kinetic energy. As the energy wave spreads, visitors experience a playful moment, engaging with the interactive installation in a fun and immersive way.

The final chapter delves into the future of technology, focusing on intelligent spaces and empathic AI. Visitors step into the world of the Digital Assistant 'IDA', an advanced AI designed to be a human-like best friend. IDA represents the pinnacle of future technology, combining intelligence with emotional support. In this interactive space, visitors can engage with IDA, asking up to 75 questions in different voices, languages, age groups, and genders. This interaction demonstrates how future AI will be capable of understanding and responding to human emotions, while still operating as a highly efficient assisting system.

This multimedia exhibition at the DRIVE. Volkswagen Forum in Berlin offers a captivating glimpse into the future, celebrating the icons that have shaped our past and those that will define our future. The experience is free for everyone and open to the public seven days a week.


Lead Agency: NEST ONE GmbH
ICONIC Exhibition Overall Concept & Design: NEST ONE GmbH
Concept and Design of Immersive Space ICONS WORLD: flora&faunavisions

Team for flora&faunavisions:
Programming: wirmachenbunt GmbH & Co. KG
Sound: KlingKlangKlong
Technical Planning: Christian Hergarten

Commissioned by: Volkswagen AG

Photos: Ken Schluchtmann

Photos Nr. 4, 11, 16: Stefan Warter | Volkswagen AG⁠


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DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum: Immersive Space ICONS WORLD